Personal Finance · Book Reviews

The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ DeMarco

About the Book

I bought this book because Ali Abdaal recommended it.

Plain and simple.

Here are some of my favourite bits.

Favourite Passages

  • “We believe what we’re taught, even when evidence appears to the contrary!” Chapter 4: The Roadmaps to Wealth

  • “If you think you can afford it, you can’t.” Chapter 7: Lifestyle Servitude – The Thief of Happiness

  • “Has making a living made you so apathetic that the living has been sucked out of you? Are you so deadened by Monday through Friday that the beauty affronting you is invisible, and its melody muted?” Chapter 10: The Lie You’ve Been Sold – The Slowlane

  • “Gurus fill a market need, and I don’t deny it. However, consider this: Are they being truthful about their paradox and their magic potion? Are they rich because of what they preach or what they sell?Chapter 14: The Hypocrisy of the Gurus

  • Raffle Sidewalk: First prize – $50,000,000 awarded immediately. Your odds of winning: 1 in 6 million (0.0000016%) // Raffle Slowlane: First prize – $1,000,000 awarded in 40 years. Your odds of winning: 1 in 6 (17%) // Raffle Fastlane: First prize – $15,000,000 awarded in 6 years. Your odds of winning: 1 in 7 (14%)” Chapter 16: Wealth’s Shortcut – The Fastlane

  • “The Law of Effection states that the more lives you affect in scale and/or magnitude in an entity you control, the richer you will become.Chapter 21: The Real Law of Wealth

  • “[…] the average American watches more than four hours of TV each day. In a 65-year life, that person will have spent nine years glued to the tube. Nine years Ms. Bueler. Nine.” Chapter 26: Your Primordial Fuel – Time

  • “‘Never throughout history has a man who lived a life of ease left a name worth remembering.’ – Theodore Roosevelt” Chapter 31: The Commandment of Entry

  • “While the stock market imploded in early 2009, who was buying and who was selling? Everyone was selling. I was long gone and sold a year earlier. Warren Buffett was buying. Everyone sells, and the richest man in the world buys. Hmmm. // Could it be that everyone is wrong? Yes, it could.” Chapter 31: The Commandment of Entry

  • “Want to make big bucks? Then start attracting money instead of chasing it.” Chapter 32: The Commandment of Need

  • “The motivational fuel for the Fastlane is not love but passion – passion for your purpose and a passion for personal growth.” Chapter 32: The Commandment of Need

  • “1. Define the Lifestyle: What do you want? // 2. Assess the Cost: How much do your dreams cost? // 3. Set the Targets: Set the escape number and business income targets. // 4. Make It Real: Fund it and open it!” Chapter 37: Give Your Road a Destination

  • “Do what others won’t. You either want it bad or not at all.” APPENDIX A – Reader Reflections

Star Rating:


There are lots of useful money lessons in this, and it’s got me thinking about launching my own business again. (But properly this time!)

The stat about how long the average American spends watching TV also lit a fuse under my ass!

So, although I would have liked to learn more about the author’s internet business, there’s lots of good stuff in this.

Well worth a read!

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